Cedar Creek Sporting Clays has registered shoots almost every month. We also host events for organizations like Ducks Unlimited, the BoyScouts, and various non-profits throughout the year.
Cash Options & Complimentary Lunch Available at All CCSC Shoots.
A limited number of golf carts are available. Please register early.
Unless otherwise noted all shoots are NSCA registered shoots.
As per NSCA rules, shooters must squad in a minimum group of three.
Soup & Chili Shoot
Wednesday, January 1st
100 Sporting on the Main $85/$15 btc
Open Shooting on the Woods $48 per 100!
17th Annual March Thaw
Sunday, March 2nd
100 Sporting on the Main $125/$20 btc
Trapped & Squadded
100 Sporting on the Woods $85/$15 btc
European Start
17th Annual
April Fools Shoot
Sunday, April 6th
100 Sporting on the Main $85/$15 btc
50 Sporting on the Woods $65/$10 btc
50 Super Sporting on the Woods $65/$10btc
Dave Shivers Memorial Ducks Unlimited Shoot
Sunday, April 13th
100 Sporting on the Main $100
100 Sporting on the Woods $100
17th Annual May Mayhem
Sunday, May 4th
100 Sporting on the Main $125/$20 btc
Trapped & Squadded
100 Sporting on the Woods $85/$15 btc
European Start
Cedar Creek Summer Showdown
Sunday, June 1st
13th Annual 200 Bird FITASC Challenge
Sat. & Sun., July 6th & 7th
Saturday 100 Bird FITASC $125
Saturday 100 Bird Sporting $75/$15btc
Sunday 100 Bird FITASC $125
Sunday 100 Bird Sporting $75/$15btc